

We have just watched our last movie on AMC

Posted by : dfoor | On : May 2, 2011

We have just watched our last movie on AMC,…and that’s too bad. We are long-time viewers, from back in the commercial free days. I am a retired broadcaster and understand the need for commercials to pay the bills. But AMC, like most all other commercial channels, have gone way too far! You can’t follow a story line anymore. I know many other people who feel the same,…and your “Commercial Complaints” page speaks for itself,…but it appears not to matter to AMC

Comment (1)

  1. Lucy Paone said on 07-05-2011

    I cannot figure out how to complain about your rotten channel filled with commercials. So I must tag onto this complaint, sorry about that.

    I timed it the other night, you have perhaps 10 minutes of the movie and 8 minutes of commercials. Are you that poor or what? Your channel stinks w/commercials. I will not watch AMC any longer.

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